Swallowable Gastric Balloon Guide

Medical advancements have introduced a new weight loss technique – the swallowable gastric balloon – that offers promising results for individuals looking to shed unwanted pounds. The swallowable gastric balloon has been gaining popularity as a non-surgical weight loss solution that provides lasting results. Let’s learn all about this innovative solution for weight loss: Swallowable Gastric Balloon Turkey.

swallowable gastric balloon turkey

What is a Swallowable Gastric Balloon?

A swallowable gastric balloon is a medical device that is inserted into the stomach via the oral cavity, typically with the use of an endoscope. Once inside the stomach, the balloon is filled with saline solution in order to occupy space, thereby reducing the amount of food the stomach can hold. This creates a sense of fullness and satiety, causing the individual to consume less food and calories overall.

The device is typically made of silicone and is both safe and durable. The procedure takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and can be performed on an outpatient basis.

what is swallowable gastric balloon

How Does it Work for Weight Loss?

The concept behind the swallowable gastric balloon is that it promotes weight loss by reducing hunger and increasing satiety.

The swallowable gastric balloon works by occupying space in the stomach, which reduces its capacity to hold food. As a result, individuals feel fuller faster and consume fewer calories overall. The balloon is designed to stay in the stomach for a period of six months or 12 months.

Is it Safe and Effective?

The swallowable gastric balloon has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is increasingly becoming a popular non-surgical weight loss technique. The procedure involves inserting a deflated balloon into the stomach through the mouth, using an endoscope. Once the balloon is in the stomach, it is filled with approximately 500-700ml of a saline solution, creating a sense of fullness and reducing appetite.

Recent studies have shown that the swallowable gastric balloon is indeed an effective and safe weight loss solution. In a six-month clinical trial, participants lost an average of 15.2 kg, which is equivalent to 14.4% of their total body weight. Another study found that the device led to a 10% reduction in body weight, with participants losing an average of 28.7 pounds.

The procedure has demonstrated significant weight loss results in clinical trials, with individuals losing an average of 10-15% of their body weight in six months.

The device has also been shown to improve obesity-related diseases such as diabetes and sleep apnea.

non surgical weight loss option: swallowable gastric balloons

Is it Right for You?

The swallowable gastric balloon offers numerous benefits for individuals looking for an effective, non-surgical weight loss solution. Here are some of the key benefits to consider:

1. Effective Weight Loss: Clinical studies have shown that individuals using the swallowable gastric balloon have lost an average of 33 pounds over a six-month period.

2. Non-Invasive Procedure: Unlike other weight loss surgeries, such as gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy, the swallowable gastric balloon does not require any incisions or general anesthesia. This makes it a safer and less invasive procedure for patients.

3. Reversible and Temporary: The balloon is designed to stay in the stomach for a period of six months, but can also be removed at any time if needed.

4. Minimal Side Effects: The swallowable gastric balloon has minimal side effects, which typically include nausea, vomiting, and discomfort in the early stages. These side effects are usually short-lived and fade within a few days.

5. Improves Overall Health: Losing weight with the swallowable gastric balloon not only helps individuals look and feel better, but it can also reduce the risk of developing health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

6. Affordable: The swallowable balloon is a more affordable weight loss option compared to other surgical procedures.

7. Quick Procedure: The procedure for inserting the balloon typically takes around 20 minutes to complete and can be performed on an outpatient basis.

Other Weight Loss Methods

When considering weight loss methods, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of each option. Here is a short compare list between the swallowable gastric balloon and other weight loss methods:

1. Diet and Exercise: This is the most traditional and common weight loss method. While it is effective, it requires a lot of discipline and dedication. Also, weight loss may be slower compared to the swallowable gastric balloon. However, diet and exercise promote an overall healthy lifestyle and can have long-lasting benefits.

2. Traditional Surgeries: Gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy are common surgical weight loss methods. These surgeries require incisions and general anesthesia, making them riskier and more expensive than the swallowable gastric balloon. Additionally, they are irreversible and require a longer recovery time.

3. Prescription Weight Loss Medications: These medications can be effective in promoting weight loss but come with their own set of risks and side effects. Also, they require a prescription and can be expensive.

4.Gastric Balloon: This is also another method of Gastric Balloons. This non-surgical weight loss option involves inserting a deflated balloon through the esophagus and into the stomach.

Swallowable Gastric Balloon Costs

The cost of the swallowable balloon varies depending on the individual and the healthcare provider performing the procedure. However, it is generally less expensive than traditional weight loss surgeries such as gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy.

In the United States, the average cost of a swallowable gastric balloon procedure is around $8,000-$10,000. However, it is important to note that as of 2022, many insurance companies do not yet cover this procedure in the US.

In the United Kingdom, the average cost of a swallowable gastric balloon procedure is around £3,500-£5,000. This cost may vary depending on the individual’s location and the provider performing the procedure. However, the procedure may be covered by the National Health Service (NHS) in certain cases.

In Canada, the average cost of a swallowable gastric balloon procedure is around $7,000-$9,000. This cost may vary depending on the individual’s location and the provider performing the procedure. However, it is important to note that as of 2022, this procedure is not yet widely covered by insurance companies in Canada.

Swallowable Gastric Ballon Cost Turkey

In Turkey, the average cost of a gastric balloon procedure is around 2,000€-3,000€. This cost may vary depending on the individual’s location and the provider performing the procedure. Turkey is becoming one of the most popular destinations for medical tourists seeking affordable and high-quality healthcare services.

It is worth noting that the cost of the procedure may not be the only consideration when choosing where to have the procedure done. Other factors to consider include the qualifications and experience of the healthcare professionals, the quality of medical facilities, and the overall reputation of the healthcare system in the country.

swallowable gastric balloon turkey costs

Last Words from the More Clinics

Swallowable gastric balloon offers a safe and effective weight loss solution for individuals struggling to shed unwanted pounds. While it may not be the right option for everyone, it is a viable alternative to traditional weight loss surgeries and should be considered as part of a comprehensive weight loss program. As always, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine which weight loss method is best suited to one’s needs and preferences.

The More Clinics Turkey is offering all Weight Loss Treatments for Global Patients since many years. With the help of our experienced medical team, you can find the right solution for your unique situation, giving you back your confidence and self-esteem. Contact us today to learn more and get your Free Consultation.


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