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Hair transplant can be defined as “the permanent solution for hair loss”. Hair transplant is a procedure used to treat hair loss. Various techniques are available, but all hair transplants involve taking hair-bearing skin from one part of the scalp and grafting these pieces of skin onto bald or thinning areas of the scalp or areas of trauma. Let’s explore how hair transplant Antalya works!

causes of hair loss showing diagram

Hair Transplant in Antalya

is an excellent option for those looking to restore their natural look and confident. The DHI Hair Transplant in Antalya as a technique, which stands for Direct Hair Implantation, is the latest hair transplant technology that offers a 100% natural result and does not require pre-made incisions or channels in the receiving area. DHI uses a special device known as the DHI implanter that allows direct implantation of the hair follicles into the receiving zone. Thanks to this revolutionary method, patients can get this minimally invasive treatment with minimal scarring and fast recovery time. With the DHI method, they can enjoy a full head of real hair that continues to grow throughout life without it falling out or thinning again.

Permanent Solution to Androgenetic Alopecia

A hair transplant operation is an effective and permanent solution for individuals experiencing “male-pattern baldness” which is also referred to as androgenetic alopecia in medical terms. Not only those suffering from Androgenetic Alopecia, but also individiuals who have scars or have lost hair due to various kinds of hair diseases can also safely undergo a hair transplant surgery.

Progressive pattern hair loss is extremely common worldwide. 85% of men and 40% of women suffer from hair loss problems. It is not surprising at all, that for this reason, hair transplant procedures have been developed and almost perfected to give the volume back to thinning hair and to help those who want to regain the hair they have lost.

Hair transplantation was first performed in Japan in the 1930s, Dr. Okuda, who was a Japanese dermatologist, developed a process that was designed to address hair loss for those patients suffering from scalp injuries as well as hair loss suffered by burn victims.and it later appeared in the Western World in the 1950s. Hair transplantation techniques have been perfected by the modern techniques and the better understanding of hair and scalp structure. It is the most natural and efficient way of bringing back the confidence of the patients who suffer from hair loss.


dhi transplantation
fue hair design stage
how is fue technique
beard transplant candidate patient

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At the beginning of a hair transplantation procedure, patients sit down for a face to face consultation with the surgeon. It is important to individually assess every case and determine the optimal number of grafts to be transplanted, as well as their placement. This is the time to discuss the projected results and ask questions. Once the consultation is done then we proceed  for the mandated pre-operation tests and other preparations.

During this step, the surgeon uses a specialised tool to extract the grafts from the donor area with the help of 0.8 and 1 mm special micropunches. Traditionally donor grafts are extracted from the back and sides of the scalp, however in some cases alternative donor areas are used(chest,leg and pubic hair). During an Advanced FUE procedure, grafts are always extracted one by one. This type of extraction does not leave any scar on the donor area.

Read more about the different methods of graft extraction

As grafts are extracted, our team takes active measures to preserve them for implantation. After extracting the graft from the donor area, it is cleaned, sorted according to the number of hairs it contains and submerged in an active plasma solution., which maximises survivability. Petri dishes(A Petri dish is a shallow transparent lidded dish that biologists use to hold growth medium in which cells can be cultured, originally, cells of bacteria, fungi and small mosses) with the grafts are then refrigerated until implantation.

Once a sufficient amount of grafts is extracted, the surgeon begins implanting them using the Implanter Pen DHI Method. A team of nurses loads individual grafts into the Implanter Pens, one at a time, and passes them to the surgeon. This method of implantation allows us to implant grafts between existing hair, produces very high density of implantation. Our head surgeon has full control over the angle of implantation, a unique property of the Implanter Pen method.

After the main stages of a hair transplant are completed, There are certain things that should be avoided during these few days as they provide a risk post hair transplant, such as swimming, drinking alcohol, smoking, high-impact exercise and more. It is important to follow correct aftercare procedures i.e washing the donor and implantation areas, protecting the transplanted grafts, excessive rubbing, impacts and direct sunlight. The surgeon will also schedule an appointment a day after the hair transplant to check on the recovery progress.



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Hair transplantation was first performed in Japan in the 1930s, Dr. Okuda, who was a Japanese dermatologist, developed a process that was designed to address hair loss for those patients suffering from scalp injuries as well as hair loss suffered by burn victims.and it later appeared in the Western World in the 1950s. Hair transplantation techniques have been perfected by the modern techniques and the better understanding of hair and scalp structure. It is the most natural and efficient way of bringing back the confidence of the patients who suffer from hair loss.

In our day, almost fifty percent of men over the age of 50 face the hair loss problem. Thus, hair transplantation is the most frequent cosmetic surgery for men. Hair loss is not a condition specific to men. Many women also experience hair loss or thinning problems. Genetic features are one of the most important causes of hair loss, but it may also occur as a result of aging, traumatic injuries or various medical disorders. Hair transplantation can be successfully performed for all people with a sufficient amount of hair follicles regardless of the cause of hair loss. The transplantation method can successfully be performed not only on the scalp, but also for the losses in the other hairy body parts such as the eyebrows, moustache and beard.

In the hair transplantation procedures; FUE method that does not leave any scar or FUT method that may leave a slight scar in the back part of the head are performed with success. Whereas the hair follicles are taken one by one and implanted to the deficient areas in the FUE method, a skin band containing hair is taken from the nuchal area in the FUT method. The patient who will undergo hair transplantation should have healthy hair at the back part of the head and on the sides to be used as donor areas. Other factors such as the colour and thickness of the hair, its properties such as strength and waviness are influential in the result of the procedure. The method to be preferred should be decided after hair and scalp analysis by taking also the priorities of the patient into consideration. Although FUE method that does not leave a scar is mostly preferred, it may be necessary to use the FUT method in some cases. Hair transplantation may be performed not only for balding but to increase the hair density in the thinned areas.

The procedure is completed within a few hours depending on the amount of the hair loss. If the hairless area is too large, several sessions may be needed to complete the treatment. In general, the intervention is carried out with sedation under local anaesthesia.

A special bandage is applied to the head section of the patient after the procedure and the patient is discharged a few hours later. Although pain is rare, but pain relievers are provided. The patient can generally go back to work by keeping the head covered after a 3-days home rest. The first medical wound dressing is done on the 5th day.

In the procedure, the hair follicles taken generally from the nuchal area are transplanted to the targeted hairless area. These hair follicles taken are called grafts. In rare cases, there is not a sufficient amount of healthy hair in the nuchal area or in the temporal region of the patient. In such cases, hair follicles may be taken from other body parts with hair, such as the arms or the chest wall of the patient.

Temporary hair loss is common after you’ve undergone a hair transplant. This is a temporary side effect of hair restoration treatment and is a normal situation because the lost hair will grow again 3-4 months later and will follow its normal life cycle. After this temporary shedding has recovered, the transplanted hair follicles preserve their characteristics and they are not shed. However, the original hair in the same area may continue to be lost and a new hair transplantation may be planned depending on the decrease in the hair density. Hair loss may persist progressively after the surgical procedure. If an unnatural look appears especially in the new hair line region, an additional surgical intervention may again be needed later.

Hair transplantation presents some risks when it is not carried out under suitable conditions just as it is the case with all medical interventions. However, when the hair transplantation procedure is carried out by an experienced plastic surgeon in a hospital, the complications are very rarely seen. In addition to this, when the hair transplantation process is performed by an experienced team of plastic surgeons, the success of the treatment are increased.

Clinical studies show that about 85-95% of all implanted grafts easily grow in the transplanted area. For the hair transplantation to be successful, the hair follicles should be vascularized rapidly, that is they should “adhere” in the area where the follicles are placed. If done by a correct method, the success rate of hair transplantation is quiet high. For a natural look, the hair should be transplanted to the hair loss areas with a correct distance, correct angle and correct density.

A hair transplant is generally a safe procedure, Like every medical procedure, hair transplantation carries various small risks of bleeding,infection and allergic reaction to the anesthetic.Hair transplantation is a long procedure and several transplants may be needed within 1-2 years depending on the degree of the hair loss. Complications such as significant scars may be seen although these are very rare. After the operation, pain that can be controlled by pain relievers, sensation of disturbance, some amount of bruising and swelling may be observed. Numbness may occur in the areas where the hair is taken or where the hair is transplanted and this recovers spontaneously within 2-3 months.


Average Hair Transplant Prices in Antalya, Turkey

There are so many clinics in Antalya offering hair transplantaion. Prices for hair transplant in Antalya vary depending on the method, the clinics’ experience, and brand value and success rate.

On average, the cost of hair transplant in Antalya ranges from $1,500 to $4,000, which is considerably lower than in many other countries.

Comparison of the prices with the top countries

Hair transplant in Antalya is remarkably more affordable than in many other top countries such as USA, the UK, Germany, Canada and Australia. The high-quality and well experienced doctors and dermatologists make Antalya a great option for a hair transplant.

Here’s a comparison of hair transplant prices in Antalya with other popular countries in the world:

  • USA: The cost of hair transplant in the USA ranges from $8,000 to $15,000
  • UK: The cost of hair transplant in the UK ranges from £6,000 to £15,000
  • Germany: The cost of hair transplant in Germany ranges from €5,000 to €15,000
  • Australia: The cost of hair transplant in Australia ranges from AUD 10,000 to AUD 30,000
  • India: The cost of hair transplant in India ranges from INR 30,000 to INR 150,000

About hair transplant prices in Turkey, including Antalya, are generally much more affordable than in many other countries. The cost of hair transplant in Istanbul, the most popular destination for hair transplant in Turkey, ranges from $1,500 to $4,500, which is similar to the cost of hair transplant in Antalya.


Here is a list of our post-operational recommendations for patients of FUE HAIR. Please note that these are the general guidelines and some points might differ depending on the patients case. The patient will receive extended instructions, as well as a set of specialised hair care products, headwear and a custom-designed pillow during your stay with us, all included in the price of your package.



Here you can find a list of our recommendations for medications and products which can be used after hair transplantation and how.



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All hair transplant procedures are performed in a hospital setting in 2 different locations of ANTALYA, with a new vision of quality of care in hair transplantat in Turkey.

dhi hair transplantation with choi pen


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